Strawberries and Cream Gummy Slice


Base Layer:

  • 1 cup fresh ripe chopped strawberries
  • 1 cup Coconut Yoghurt (I use Kultured Wellness cultures)
  • 2 Tbsp grass fed organic gelatin powder mixed with 3 Tbsp filtered water in a mini bowl, put aside to bloom
  • ¾ cup filtered water
  • 1 Tbsp sweetener of choice – maple syrup, rice malt syrup, honey, stevia to taste
  • 1-2 tsp vanilla bean powder

Top Layer:

  • ½ cup chopped fresh ripe strawberries
  • 1 Tbsp grass fed organic gelatin powder mixed with 2 Tbsp filtered water in a small bowl, put aside to bloom
  • ¼ cup filtered water
  • Juice 1 lime
  • 1 Tbsp sweetener of choice – maple syrup, rice malt syrup, honey, equivalent of stevia



  1. Place strawberries, yoghurt and sweetener of choice into blender and blitz on low until smooth.
  2. On stovetop, heat the gelatin and water on low, stirring constantly. I use a whisk. Once gelatin is completely dissolved, take off heat and leave to cool.
  3. I use a Pyrex rectangular dish but you could also use a slice tray with baking paper to pour mix into.
  4. Add gelatin and water mix to blender and blitz on low until well combined.
  5. Pour into dish or tray and place in fridge until set – usually just over an hour.

Top Layer:

  1. Add gelatin mix to saucepan on low to medium heat and stir until gelatin dissolves. Add fresh chopped strawberries and sweetener to the mix and stir for another two mins.
  2. Remove from heat, stir in lime juice and leave to cool a little (still warm and liquid). Blitz in blender until smooth and then pour mixture into glass Pyrex to complete the top layer. Place in fridge for at least an hour then slice into squares.


 Meagan Rayment


Hi!  I’m Meagan from The Gut Healing Community, and like so many of us I was thrust into the world of gut healing when my baby daughter developed severe gut issues from about 6 weeks of age. Like most struggles, there’s usually a silver lining. I’ve learnt so much and we’ve come so far; and the Kultured Wellness crew has had a lot to do with our progress.

My website hosts a hub of beautiful businesses all contributing to improving others gut health in one way or another. I also have a supportive Facebook group where we share our struggles, wins, recipes and more. Please connect with me for more recipes, articles and support.
