Our starter cultures are very easy to use. They do not require heating or the use of any specific kitchen appliances. To make basic yoghurt or kefir all you need to do is add your starter culture to either coconut cream or coconut water, place the mix into a large glass jar and leave it on the bench top to ferment for 8-12 hours (for yoghurt) or 24-48 hours (for kefir). Please watch the videos above for full instructions on how to make your yoghurt and kefir using Kultured Wellness starter cultures.
Our cultures are shipped as a living food, which means that the powerful bacteria in them are active and ready to go to work without the need for activating or any temperature control. In warmer weather, fermenting will happen much more quickly and it is important to start tasting your ferments at 8 hours (for yoghurt) and 24 hours (for kefir). As you keep fermenting, you will learn how your cultures work in different temperatures, so have fun experimenting with your living foods!
Your kefir can also be used to make fermented juice or fermented fruits and vegetables. Simply add ¼ cup of kefir to 1L of freshly pressed juice or chopped fruit or vegetables topped up with water, and leave to ferment for 8-12 hours (for juice) and 24-48 hours (for fruit and vegetables). Please refer to the end of the Kefir video above for a further explanation of how to ferment fruit and vegetables using our starter cultures.
Kefir should be ready after about 48 hours of fermenting on the bench top in mild weather. It should be fizzy, have a tart taste and you should no longer be able to taste any sugar from the coconut water. If the full ferment is too strong for you initially, you may wish to make a shorter ferment (i.e.) only 24 hours but keep in mind that your Kefir will contain more sugar. In warmer climates and hotter weather the kefir may be ready earlier than the recommended 48 hours. If you live in a warmer climate or if the weather has been hot check you kefir earlier to see if it is ready.
Yoghurt takes about 8-12 hours on the bench top to ferment. Once again it will have a tart taste and you will no longer taste the sugar from the coconut cream. In warmer climates it may be ready sooner and in colder climates it may need a little longer. You can judge this by tasting the yoghurt.
Cultures should be stored in the freezer upon arrival, where they’ll stay fresh until the use-by date. Alternatively, they can be kept in the fridge for up to 3 months. Thaw to room temp before using your culture starter to ferment.
You can use any coconut water, fresh or UHT but it must be 100% coconut water. Please remember to check the ingredients not just the labeling on the front of the coconut water package. Some brands, while claiming to be 100% coconut water actually include preservatives and additives on the ingredients list
We recommend using Ayam Coconut cream with your yoghurt starters, as it produces the most consistent results. Many other brands contain fillers and preservatives which will effect the quality of your ferment.
Although mixing your yoghurt starter and coconut cream together with a wooden spoon is absolutely fine, blending using a food processor, thermomix or stick mixer will produce the most consistent results. If using a thermomix we recommend using the reverse function for 10 seconds on speed 5. When using a stick blender or traditional food processer it’s important to use the lowest speed and try not to blend for too long so that the coconut cream and water do not separate. Make sure that you don’t let the mixture sit for too long in contact with metal implements as this can adversely affect the bacteria.
We recommend experimenting with some of your kids’ favourite foods as a way to introduce ferments into their diet. You can try flavouring the yoghurt and kefir with their favourite fruits. Try fermenting fruit and vegetables in bite-sized pieces. Ice blocks are also a great option and you can mix ingredients together such as avocado, coconut oil, berries and kefir or yoghurt and put them in ice block molds.
Our program incorporates elements from many well studied protocols including GAPS, SCD, Body Ecology, Wahls Protocol, The Hormone Cure and the Human Microbiome project. In addition, it uses an integrative approach to wellness, where lifestyle factors play just as an important role in achieving health as food.
It takes commitment and a restrictive approach to heal severe health concerns that may be as a result of genetics, trauma, or things that have happened in the past. This program prescribes a restrictive eating plan, because that is exactly what is needed in order to achieve health. The diet is not restrictive to the body and quite contrarily, it floods it with the nutrients it needs to build a robust immune system, detox system, and a strong gut. Your body will thrive on these foods as it will finally be receiving what it needs to flourish and heal. It is a mental battle to move past what you believe is restrictive and what your taste buds and emotional connections deem as a diverse and balanced diet, and look at what your cells need. Once your microbiome and immune system is balanced, your body will tell you what it wants and needs. You will begin to look at food differently and not feel like foods should be restricted or eliminated or added, you will see food as something that either nourishes or not.
The process begins with a modified diet in conjunction with high-dose probiotics, designed to eliminate pathogenic organisms from the body while nourishing the good gut flora. This diet removes processed foods, sugar, carbohydrates, grains, all dairy except butter, fruit (which can be enjoyed when fermented) and includes lean proteins, and nourishing fats. Nuts and seeds will be eliminated in the early stages, and for some with complex issues a time on an elemental pureed diet will be necessary. Throughout the program, you will also address lifestyle factors that may be negatively impacting the health of your gut microbiome.
Kirsty’s expertise is in supporting people to make significant long-term improvements to chronic health conditions through a rebalancing of the gut microbiome, and this is not something that can happen as a result of one or even a few appointments. As a result, Kirsty is currently only consulting with ongoing package clients. The cost of the program with Kirsty selected as your specialised Health Coach is $7500.
The purpose of the initial consult is to establish your goals for the program, and determine whether working with the Kultured Wellness Team is right for you. If after this you choose to go ahead with the program, we require a non-refundable commitment $2500 for the first two months. If after this time you are not satisfied with how things are going, you are eligible for a partial refund of the remaining costs if you choose to exit the program early.