Mixed Berry, Vanilla and Cinnamon Coconut Yoghurt!


  • 3 cups Kultured Wellness Coconut Yoghurt
  • 2 cups organic mixed berries (you can use frozen)
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla powder 
  • 1 tsp cinnamon powder

Optional Add Ins:

Stevia to taste, lemon or lime. 


  1. Add the mixed berries, vanilla powder, cinnamon powder and coconut yoghurt together in a glass jar (I love the Kilner Jars for fermenting). Mix and combine until smooth and creamy.
  2. Close the lid on the glass jar, ensuring it’s air tight.
  3. Place on a shelf in the pantry and ferment the yoghurt for 6- 24 hours (the time will depend on the weather).
  4. Store in the fridge.
  5. When serving you can mix through some stevia, lemon or lime juice to taste if desired.

    To learn how to make Coconut Yoghurt, click here.