Cranberry and other Flavoured Kefirs

Prep | 5 minutes (plus 24 hours fermenting time)

Ready in | 15 minutes



  • 1 1/2 cups Organic Cranberry Juice 
  • 1 cup Kultured Wellness Coconut Kefir
  • Juice of 1 Lemon (optional)


  1. Placing 1 cup of Kultured Wellness Coconut Kefir in to a glass jar.
  2. Add in 1 1/2 cups of organic cranberry juice.
  3. Leave on the benchtop to ferment for 24-48 hours.
  4. When fermented, place in the fridge to keep cold.
  5. Pour the fermented cranberry juice into your glass to enjoy


Use any of the following to create your kefir in 4 other ways:


  • 1 Kultured Wellness Kefir culture starter
  • 2lt coconut water
  • 1 continental cucumber
  • 1 punnet organic strawberries
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 lime
  • 1 knob of fresh ginger
  • 100g cranberries.


  1. Placing 1 cup of Kultured Wellness Coconut Kefir in to a glass jar.
  2. Add in 2lt organic coconut water.
  3. Leave on the benchtop to ferment for 24-48 hours.
  4. When fermented, place in the fridge to keep cold.
  5. Pour the kefir in to your glass and use any of the following to create your kefir in 5 ways:


  1. Slice your cucumber in to fine circles and place in with your kefir.
  2. Add in a small handful of mint leaves.
  3. Some ice cubes would also be a perfect serving suggestion with this drink.


  1. Slice your Strawberries in to fine slices and place in with your kefir.
  2. Leaving the strawberries in for a short amount of time will turn the kefir a pink colour.
  3. Some ice cubes would also be a perfect serving suggestion with this drink.


  1. Slice your lemon and lime in thin slices and place in to the kefir.
  2. Squeeze in some juice from the lemon and lime to add extra flavour.
  3. Some ice cubes would also be a perfect serving suggestion with this drink.


  1. Slice your lemon in thin slices and place in to the kefir.
  2. Grate the ginger and place in the glass.
  3. Squeeze in some juice from the lemon to add extra flavour.
  4. Mix gently with a spoon.
  5. Some ice cubes would also be a perfect serving suggestion with this drink.