Our Week in Review: Getaway Coming up, Q&A’s and an Exciting Event With 21 Junk Street!

Hi everyone,

It’s almost time for us to take a much needed getaway. Are you planning any breaks over the Anzac Day long weekend?

Remember: We will not be posting our probiotic goodness out on Anzac day the 25th or during next week. Our next post will be on the 2nd of May.

It’s important sometimes to just take some time out with your loved ones, head into nature and reconnect. Love this photo It reminds me what it’s all about.

Kirsty Wirth family photo

We’re loving these videos coming from @themindfoodmentor. Take a look at this amazing video of the active ferment that started with a Kultured Wellness Kefir starter.

Video on our Facebook page: 

Don’t forget to share your feedback and any things you’ve found helpful with us using the #KulturedWellness tag on Instagram and Facebook.

Wellness Profiles

Last week on the Wellness Profiles we featured Katee Pedicini from Holistic Endurance.

Holistic Endurance

Our wellness profile featured Katee Pedicini, Endurance Coach at Holistic Endurance. We are thrilled to also be attending the Holistic Endurance event in Adelaide this Friday 15th April. Read more about it in the blog post!

Q & A

Q – Are the Ayam coconut cream cans we recommend BPA free.
A – Yes, they are, and free of nasties, too.

Q – What kind of coconut water do I need to use for my Kefir?
A – You can use any coconut water, fresh or UHT but it must be 100% coconut water. Please remember to check the ingredients not just the labeling on the front of the coconut water package. Some brands, while claiming to be 100% coconut water actually include preservatives and additives on the ingredients list.

Q – Why do I need a new starter culture after five ferments?
A – After 5 ferments the strength of the bacteria in your ferments will start to diminish, which is the nature of cultured foods. By restarting with a new culture after 5 ferments you are ensuring that your ferments maintain their therapeutic potency.

Q – How should I introduce Kultured Wellness fermented foods into my diet and what side effects could I expect?
A – Due to the potency of our starter cultures, your Kefir and Yoghurt may produce more “die off” symptoms than traditional fermented foods. This is due to the good bacteria rebalancing your gut flora. For this reason it is important to start slow, and introduce Kultured Wellness ferments gradually into your diet. You may experience symptoms such as gas, fatigue and bloating when you begin. Begin with 1/4 cup per day preferably after your evening meal, and only increase the dose when these symptoms have subsided. You can work up to consuming as much fermented food, as you feel comfortable with. Some people enjoy some in the morning and at night before bedtime. You may like to have some before each meal.

Q – Can Kultured Wellness ferments be used for cooking?
A – Our ferments can be used as a base for cooking or to replace liquids in cooking. Examples of this are using the yoghurt as a base for making dips or kefir to make jelly, or by adding coconut yoghurt to a curry. However, heating your ferments up to high temperatures will kill the beneficial bacteria in them, so make sure the food has cooled before adding the live cultures to preserve their therapeutic qualities.

Kirsty’s Learnings

Interesting article on how your social life changes your microbiome.

Upcoming Events

So blessed to be teaming up with the crew at 21 Junk Street in Yankalilla. This will be an intimate affair so get in quick as space and tickets are very limited. This workshop will be a Q&A where you can bring along your questions and concerns and pick my brain on how to take responsibility for your wellness and apply what you have learnt to your everyday life. You will also receive a free Kultured Wellness culture. See you there.
Learn more about the event at the Facebook event, click here for details.

Mindd Forum
We’re thrilled to be heading to the Mindd Forum from May 20-22 in Sydney! It’s going to be an incredible meeting of specialists from all over Australia and the world talking about the prevention and treatment of disease. Kultured Wellness will have a stand there and we look forward to meeting some of you there.

Thought for the week

The JERF acronym may have become a bit of a cliché of late, with every second #cleaneater hash tagging it all over social media, but in all honesty it is the easiest rule to live by. Single ingredients, lots of veggies, traditional foods, cooking from scratch and valuing quality over quantity.
Be healthy, be well!
