Blog Posts

I am a huge advocate for the ‘food is medicine’ philosophy! Recipes like this not only taste amazing, they tick quite a few boxes when it comes to supporting your microbiome, the production of neurotransmit...
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Need a smile on your dial? Grab a 'nana' 🍌 Bananas are known to have mood enhancing as well as sleep-inducing effects and, I don’t know about you, but a good sleep makes me happy! And the added bonus of t...
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My brother used to live in Melbourne. He was there for many years, including during 2020 when it was besieged by lockdowns and boundaries, masks and 1.5 metre distancing (which still continues to this day i...
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This smoothie is so easy to throw together and is perfect for breakfast or just as an afternoon treat for the kids after school! Not only is it delicious, it is full of healthy fats, probiotics and fibre so ...
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We always hear the phrase "It's in my genes!" While this is true to a point, it's really important to note that it is very possible to alter the way in which our genes express themselves through diet and lif...
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This soup is not only delicious, it has beneficial fats to help stabilise those blood sugars and the anti-viral, antibacterial and antifungal ingredients garlic and fresh thyme. Perfect for winter! The star ...
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If you follow my social media you’ll notice I talk a lot about the vagus nerve and why it is so important. The vagus nerve controls so much in your body that I’m really passionate about ensuring it has what...
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These little muffins have are delicious straight out of the oven lathered with butter or great in your lunchbox served with cashew cheese. And the best part...they have hidden veggies so fussy little eater...
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For many years we have been warned about the dangers of the sun and the risk of skin cancer due to overexposure to the sun’s harmful rays. Given we know that the sun is an abundant source of vitamin D and th...
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Made with nourishing ingredients like bone broth (or pan juices yum!), turmeric, ginger and slippery elm, this beautiful gravy will help to soothe inflammation and add a delicious flavour to any roast. Ingr...
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Serves 5-6 The warming spices of cinnamon, ginger and cardamom go beautifully with fermented pears and, when topped with the Diversity Dough, you are looking after those gut bugs and giving them plenty of be...
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Why are people adding weird things to their coffee? Dave Asprey, founder of Bulletproof, started the trend of adding MCT oil and butter or ghee to coffee to create a keto-friendly drink that provides the m...
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