Who Are Kultured Wellness?

Who are we?? Well, we are a passionate bunch!!

First and foremost we are passionate about gut health. We live and breath sharing the importance of rocking gut health and it's impacts on overall health.

We are also passionate about building community, sharing experiences and supporting our clients and customers.

The Kultured Wellness team is made up of Naturopaths, Nutritionists, Health Coaches, business experts, customer support team, warehouse and logistics crew and we are proud employers of a number of team members with needs and disabilities.

Everyone on the team has been through their own health journey and knows first hand the rollercoaster of a healing journey. Our own journeys is why we make the products and provide the services we do. It's the products and programs we wanted and needed and we know that our community will benefit and thrive by having. We are insanely proud of what we do and where we have come from :)

Meet our kind and courageous founder Kirsty

Firstly I want you to know I’m just like you. Gut health has affected myself and my family. And like you, I want the best for those around me.
For as long as I can remember I’ve had health problems. But it wasn’t until I became a mum that I realised that something much more serious was going on. Feeling “not quite right” had bigger consequences than I had ever thought possible. When my young children became very ill I was determined to do anything I could to change the course of their lives.
After extensively researching gut health and probiotics. I began creating my own yoghurt and kefir starters. Out of pure necessity and desperation, as I sought to provide my children with the high-dose probiotic nourishment in a way that we could afford.
The Kultured Wellness ferments I created, combined with a serious lifestyle change, healed my family.
These products are now nourishing people all over the world helping them regain control of their health. This is something that I’m extremely proud of.
This is not a fad diet or a quick fix. Real healing takes courage, determination and commitment. It can get worse before it gets better. But I want you to know that it is possible to make these big, lasting changes.
My philosophy is simple: we need to accept the cards we have been dealt and then take responsibility for our own health and that of the next generation. It’s about making sure that we don’t continue to hand down these health issues that could be stopped now.
My mission is to reach more people and families in our community, and be able to spread the word about how fermenting can be an easy and powerful way to nourish the gut microbiome for good health.

To learn more about Kultured Wellness and my families story and hear all the juicy details check out the very first episode of my Kulturing Kuriosity Podcast.

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