Immune Tea Gummies

These gummies are perfect to grab at any time to boost your immune system and the addition of the gelatin gives you an extra amino acid boost!



  • 3 Tbsp bloomed gelatin
  • 3 Tbsp Kultured Wellness Immune Tea
  • 500ml boiling water 
  • Stevia or honey to taste
  • 3cm piece fresh ginger


  1. Place gelatin in a small bowl. Pour over 4 Tbsp of water and set aside to bloom. Allow 5 minutes and stir regularly until softened and expanded.
  2. Place Immune tea and ginger in a saucepan and pour over boiling water. Simmer on a rolling boil for 20 minutes.
  3. Strain tea and ginger in a glass jar. Stir in the bloomed gelatin and whisk. Add in stevia or honey at this point.
  4. Pour into jelly moulds or a lined baking tray and then place in the fridge until set.
  5. If using a lined baking tray once set cut into small squares to serve.
  6. Store in an air tight container.